DPN is a complication of diabetes and is caused by chronically high levels of glucose (sugar) levels, which may result in nerve damage primarily in the legs and feet. It affects more than half of all people with diabetes. DPN can lead to pain, nubness and poor balance and if untreated it can get worse with time.
If DPN goes untreated, individuals can experience the following:
The American Diabetes Association recommends a comprehensive foot exam at least once a year for people with diabetes.
A NC-Stat DPNCheck nerve conduction test can give you a firm foundation for your overall diabetes care. The test offers:
An accurate, non-invasive in-office sural nerve conduction test. The sural nerve is located in the lower leg and ankle region. It is one of the first places that the body will show signs of nerves being impacted by diabetes. It provides a numerical reading of the ability of the sural nerve to conduct nerve impulses. This test allows for early detection and intervention to prevent severe and long-term damage to the legs and feet.
A record of sural nerve conduction results allows you and your Doctor to monitor the progression of your DPN. A NC-Stat DPNCheck test provides the information needed to not only better manage your diabetes, but also to help preserve your nerves and thereby protect your feet from the serious complications of the disease. The NC-Stat DPNCheck test is covered by Medicare and many other Heath Insurance Companies.